National Grape Improvement Center

National Grape Improvement Center
Grapes are the U.S.'s largest and most economically important specialty crop, contributing in excess of $162 billion annually to the national economy, more than $6 billion in farm-gate revenue, and 1.1 million jobs.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' new National Grape Improvement Center, a collaboration between the United States Department of Agricultural Research Service and Cornell University, serves as a world-class research facility to continue successful grape production despite threats such as invasive species, pests, emerging pathogens and increased extremes of drought, salinity and cold from climate change.
The facility features new elements, including a research lab and office building, greenhouse and headhouse facilities, and climate-controlled connections to existing greenhouse facilities across the site to transport climate-sensitive plant research materials in a protected environment.
Lab and office space feature a variety of layouts, focusing primarily on a shift to shared, community-style BSL-2 research labs, robotics labs, research support spaces such as controlled environmental rooms and growth chambers, and hybrid office and lab space to accommodate computational data analysis. A robust communication system throughout all areas allows for interactive collaboration between multiple face-to-face or virtual partners in office and research settings. Phone booths, conference rooms, and collaboration zones accommodate quiet work and interdisciplinary discussions.
Historically significant elements of a historic barn that previously stood on the site are integrated with the new landscape design and interpretive historical plaques and information.
A Sustainable Federal Facility
LEED Silver, EPACT 2005, and EO 13693 sustainability standards serve as a meaningful reference guide for planning the site, which uses existing campus infrastructure, including an underutilized central steam plant, to provide upgrades to campus systems. Focusing on energy modeling enabled the setting of EUI targets and the minimization of life cycle costs.
Sustainable materials, including high-performance fixtures, reduce indoor water use and improve the quality of the building and experience. Improved indoor air quality, active building design, and access to natural daylight enhance user wellness and productivity. Improvements to the university's water utility infrastructure enable measuring on-site water use to consider the impact of the larger campus/watershed area and rainwater/stormwater management.