Ending Global Sprawl
Principle 1: Plan for Growth, Resilience and Preservation
Plan for compact growth and resilience while preserving natural ecologies, agrarian landscapes, and cultural heritage sites.

Principle 2: Reserve Open Lands and Public Space
Preserve and create parks and open space networks for community use, green connections, ecological systems, and adequate storm mitigation areas.
Principle 3: Enhance Shared Mobility and Transit
Make networks of transit, new forms of shared mobility, and active transport more desirable, affordable and ubiquitous.

Principle 4: Build Transit-Oriented Developments
Match land-use density and mix to transit capacity in a walkable environment.
Create diverse, mixed-use neighborhoods and districts with integrated affordable housing.
Increase the density of road networks with small blocks and human-scaled streets.
Prioritize walking and biking with ubiquitous safe, direct and comfortable routes.