Focused and Flexible: Omaha’s Hubbard Center for Children Expands Legacy of Pediatric Care

As the first integrated project delivery project in Nebraska, the Hubbard Center for Children fronts Omaha’s busiest corridor and integrates architecturally with existing facilities while standing out as a beacon of care with its chameleon-like, color-alternating façade. Inside, each patient floor has a dedicated shape and distinct color for enhanced wayfinding and to create a strong sense of place that appeals to all age groups from preschool to high school.
Health Principal Bryan Nielsen, AIA, NCARB, reflects on the design process and impact of the new pediatric care facility in the feature article, "Focused and Flexible: Omaha’s Hubbard Center for Children Expands Legacy of Pediatric Care" that graces the cover of the July/August issue of Medical Construction & Design Magazine.