Healgen Scientific Headquarters

Healgen Scientific Headquarters
Transformative Headquarters Design Brings Science to Life and Fosters Strategic Growth
With a need to double staffing within two years, Healgen Scientific was looking for a modern, branded new headquarters building to expand its research and operations and continue its work in diagnostic materials. Working alongside the client in both U.S. and China, HDR designed a building that put both Healgen’s brand and scientific research on display while nurturing a dynamic and collaborative environment for discovery.
Through a clear and concise process featuring visioning sessions and workshops, our team presented design ideas and other information to clients, who then brought it to the owners in China for approval, ensuring every detail was considered and all stakeholders were on the same page.
With the facility located near a major highway in the Houston suburb of Pearland, Texas, Healgen wanted to make sure its brand and the work the company does was visible from the road. Our team designed a building that represents the technology and research going on inside with a transparent façade on the north side of the building allowing for activity to be seen from the outside and science to be put on display. A pattern of some of the scientific processes that Healgen incorporates was figuratively shown on the north side as well. The south-facing side featured a more solid façade with smaller openings to manage direct sun. Public spaces were also integrated with the landscape on the exterior of the site, creating an outside-in philosophy to link the building with its surroundings.
Inside the building, science remains on display with open, glass-enclosed labs for customers and users to peer into and see the research going on inside. R&D for the manufacture of diagnostic materials takes place in the building with a training laboratory to train new technicians as the staff grows in the coming years. A showcase lab is also included to give customers and visitors a full view of Healgen’s products and processes. Spaces feature modern materials and furnishes of wood and metal with a large open atrium to connect office spaces and encourage collaboration.