New Landfill Facility Siting Assessments and Strategic Advice

New Landfill Facility Siting Assessments and Strategic Advice
HDR performed site investigation work in identifying and analysing a number of potential future landfill sites including conducting fatal flaw analysis, conceptual design, Whole of Life modelling and risk and opportunity assessments. The conceptual design work encompassed landfill engineering considerations such as volumetric airspace calculations, cut and fill volumes, base grade and batter development and final grading plans.
The Whole of Life modelling considered the complete gamut of site development and operational costs from initial access and cell development through to the implementation of gas collection systems, leachate management and closure/post closure care.
HDR conducted a risk/opportunity workshop to strategically identify project risks and opportunities at all levels to enable better decision making for progressing the project. This process enabled a more detailed consideration of potential capex and opex costs in developing a site as the study moves from preliminary investigations into the due diligence phase.