Economics & Finance
Fully Informed Decision-Making
Informed decision-making allows you to operate in a dynamic economy while making smart funding and financial decisions. Factors to consider include federal and state allocation uncertainties, a competitive funding environment and a dynamic economic climate. Our multifaceted economic and finance experts can guide and help you deliver successful outcomes.
Creative Solutions to Project Challenges
Our team of economic, finance and grant specialists provide objective, independent analysis to help you make data-driven investment decisions that meet budget objectives, strategic goals and service commitments. Transparency and open communication facilitate understanding and collaboration. You’ll have a clear picture of our key assumptions, data and methods that include funding from private sources such as value capture programs and public-private partnerships. Our process incorporates clients, stakeholders and the public at large.
Strategies for Economic and Financing Success in Multiple Markets
We integrate our unique set of economic tools and approaches with engineering and architecture disciplines to define the right alternatives. From maximizing revenue streams and securing new, dedicated revenue, to navigating constantly changing federal funding and financing opportunities, we have the expertise you need. We’ve helped inform investment decisions for highways, railways, transit, complete streets, ports, airports, hospitals, tunnels, research facilities, and water supply and treatment facilities.
We can help you develop projects that provide the greatest social, economic and environmental benefits.