Ambulatory Care
Healthcare isn’t just about treating illness anymore. A rise in chronic diseases focuses care on managing patients’ wellness over a lifetime. This shift has resulted in a growing demand for outpatient care, and higher acuity cases being pushed into ambulatory settings.
Embrace Retail Thinking
We embrace tools traditionally found in retail — experience design, brand management and predictive analytics — to help our healthcare clients positively influence their patients’ behaviour. By applying retail thinking strategies, our health clients are able to more effectively engage their patients, provide more timely care and engender loyalty. This leads to improved health outcomes — which in turn reduces our clients’ costs of managing that care.
Support for Changing Delivery Models
We work with health systems to address the facility implications of this paradigm shift. We explore how care, education and amenities, along with connections to the community, can alter the nature of ambulatory environments. We help redefine the patient experience in terms of relationships, interactions, logistics and space.
Our human-centred design approach helps healthcare organizations realize facility solutions that work hand-in-hand with changing delivery models. From our work designing hundreds of outpatient care facilities, we know that how care is delivered — the experience of the patient, the caregiver and the community — offers an incredible opportunity for our clients to become the destinations of choice for health and wellness.