Food & Beverage
Enable Profitable, Sustainable Operations with Efficient Processes and Regulatory Compliance
We deliver on-time results centred on optimizing capital investment and ensuring a quick return on investment. We’ve spent more than 50 years in the trenches working alongside our clients, always focused on understanding challenges and working collaboratively to provide guidance and innovative solutions.
Our team’s mantra is reliability, resilience and repeatability. Together, we work through complex challenges related to regulatory compliance, sustainable design, processing and asset management.
Results our clients have come to expect from us:
- Cost savings. We devised a strategy to reuse construction and demolition materials to help a major beverage company realize game-changing savings of $6 million.
- Profitable, sustainable process operations. We helped the largest fresh onion producer in the United States implement a sustainable process that paid for itself while reducing the plant’s carbon footprint.
- Water/Wastewater minimization. Applying our sustainable return on investment framework for one of North America’s most productive meat processors, we implemented wastewater minimization strategies that also address future regulatory requirements.
- Smart commodity movement. Our experts designed a 110-car unit train loading facility with 7,600-foot loop track and service roadway that increased capacity for a global food processing operation.
Our food and beverage experience includes:
- Meat & poultry processing
- Grain processing & shipping
- Food ingredient
- Dairy processing
- Breweries, wineries and distilleries
- Sugar processing
- Packaged & frozen foods
- Confectionery processing
We Celebrate These Numbers
Top 25 in Wastewater Treatment Plants