Rodney Cook Sr. Park Featured in ENR Environmental and Social Justice Article

In the June issue of Engineering News-Record, HDR’s Rodney Cook Sr. Park was featured in an article on environmental and social justice through water infrastructure. Designed for the Trust for Public Land, Rodney Cook Sr. Park in Vine City is featured as a prime example of design and engineering justice.
Vine City, a historically Black community in Atlanta, Georgia, suffered from years of major flooding. The new stormwater park, opening this month, will not only capture up to 37 million gallons of stormwater per year, but will provide significant community greenspace and amenities to the economically disadvantaged area. Community input throughout the design process was key to the project, ensuring that the new park captured a collective vision for the neighborhood.
Read more about Rondey Cook Sr. Park and other examples of water infrastructure justice in the Engineering News-Record article "Flint Water Crisis and America’s Clean Water Access Failings."